CRM Age Calculation Workflow

code: link

This repository hosts the code for a custom workflow that automates age calculations based on birthdates in a CRM system.

## Workflow Highlights

- Automatically calculates age and detailed age (years, months, days) of Contacts.

- Updates custom fields when birthdates are modified.

- Prevents recursion using depth checks.

## Getting Started

1. Clone the repository.

2. Deploy the provided code to your CRM system.

3. Configure the workflow to trigger on birthdate changes.

4. Watch as the system accurately updates age fields.

## Contributions

Contributions and feedback are welcome! If you spot any improvements or have suggestions, feel free to open an issue or pull request.

Let's make CRM data management smarter and more efficient together!

## Next Steps

- Rigorous testing in various scenarios.

- Fine-tuning the workflow for optimal performance.

Stay tuned for updates as we enhance this workflow!


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