GET/SET different field values using JavaScript and generate unique name...


function generateUniqueName(executionContext) {
    // Get the form context from the execution context
    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

    // Get the values of the customer, bank account, and loan type fields
    var customerLookup = formContext.getAttribute("abc_customer").getValue();
    var bankAccountLookup = formContext.getAttribute("abc_bankaccount").getValue();
    var loanType = formContext.getAttribute("abc_loantype").getText();

    // Check if a customer is selected and the loan type is "Personal Loan" or "Car loan"
    if (customerLookup && (loanType == "Personal Loan" || loanType == "Car loan")) {
        // Extract relevant information from the customer lookup field
        var customerName = customerLookup[0].name;
        var customerId = customerLookup[0].id;

        // Generate a unique ID based on customer name, loan type, and customer ID
        var uniqueId = loanType.substring(0, 4) + "-" + customerName.substring(0, 4) + "-" + customerId.substring(1, 5);

        // Convert uniqueId to uppercase
        uniqueId = uniqueId.toUpperCase();

        // Set the generated unique ID to the Name field
    // Check if the loan type is "Home Loan"
    else if (loanType == "Home Loan") {
        // Extract relevant information from the bank account lookup field
        var bankAccountName = bankAccountLookup[0].name;
        var bankAccountId = bankAccountLookup[0].id;

        // Generate a unique ID based on bank account name, loan type, and bank account ID
        var uniqueId = loanType.substring(0, 4) + "-" + bankAccountName.substring(0, 4) + "-" + bankAccountId.substring(1, 5);

        // Convert uniqueId to uppercase
        uniqueId = uniqueId.toUpperCase();

        // Set the generated unique ID to the Name field


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