
How to Call Out-of-the-Box Workflow from Power Automate in Dynamics 365 ...


How to Convert a Managed Solution into an Unmanaged Solution?


How to Add Word Templates with Dynamic Fields in Microsoft Dynamics 365 ...


How Set Default home page for Microsoft dynamics 365 CRM and Power apps#...


GET/SET different field values using JavaScript and generate unique name...

code: function generateUniqueName(executionContext) {     // Get the form context from the execution context     var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();     // Get the values of the customer, bank account, and loan type fields     var customerLookup = formContext.getAttribute("abc_customer").getValue();     var bankAccountLookup = formContext.getAttribute("abc_bankaccount").getValue();     var loanType = formContext.getAttribute("abc_loantype").getText();     // Check if a customer is selected and the loan type is "Personal Loan" or "Car loan"     if (customerLookup && (loanType == "Personal Loan" || loanType == "Car loan")) {         // Extract relevant information from the customer lookup field         var customerName = customerLookup[0].name;         var customerId = customerLookup[0].id;         // Generate a unique ID based on customer name, loan type, and customer ID         var uniqueId =

How to use Business Rules to show Field on form based on value of anothe...
